Interested in becoming an affiliate member with an up and coming car club? We support local businesses and if your interested in partnering with us or hosting a club day, please reach out to our communications team. Our Partners enjoy some of the following benefits:

  • Exclusive Venue Days
    We have a loyal group of dedicated club members at NoVAJDM, and they love to eat. What better way than eating or shopping at a local business. Starting in 2022, the club will begin hosting “Venue Days” were we visit local business by booking a reservation for all attending members.

Meet our Affiliates

We’ve partnered with End of the Road Clothing Co. who blends a passion for speed with the need for quality and comfortable gear. Use code EOTR10 for 10% off some awesome merchandise. They have a great line of comfortable shirts, hats and other apparel as well as vinyl decals.